Your menu wants to take center stage, and Florence will let ‘em have it! With it's smooth, simple curves and porcelain white color, it allows your dishes to stand out above the rest, all while your dinnerware does it's job.
is back-ordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.
RIO-6V 8.5X14
RIO-6V 8.5X11
RIO-6V 5.5X8.5
RIO-6V 4.25X14
RIO-6V 4.25X11
RIO-4V 8.5X14
RIO-4V 8.5X11
RIO-4V 5.5X8.5
RIO-4V 4.25X14
RIO-4V 4.25X11
RIO-3V 8.5X14
RIO-3V 8.5X11
RIO-3V 5.5X8.5
RIO-3V 4.25X14
RIO-3V 4.25X11
RIO-2V 8.5X14
RIO-2V 8.5X11
RIO-2V 5.5X8.5
RIO-2V 4.25X14
RIO-2V 4.25X11
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